Beware, I live. Run, run, run coward.
Well the fall quarter is over, and I have not touched this thing like I told you guys I would because school :I but with a whole winter break ahead of me, I have a lot on my to-do list and this here blog is one of the many things I have decided I need to get back on. So there.
You'll be glad to know that I have once again made it through my classes with fairly good grades overall, and that I will be moving on to next quarter with no issue :P I'll actually be starting my senior film next quarter, so that's pretty daunting. Otherwise, nothing too exciting going on. I'm going to spend most of my days when I'm not too busy otherwise staying home... playing video games and... I don't know...
Maybe. I'll pencil this one in somewhere, I have a tight agenda.
So, I think I'll have more time to pay attention to what's going on in the animation world and complain about what I don't like here, so look forward to that. Also, I managed to get my mitts on a copy of Frozen, albeit unintentionally, but nonetheless... so I'm going to do that comparison to The Lion King that I've been talking about. Look forward to that! :D Last but not least, I am gladly awaiting the release date for Kingdom Hearts 2.5, where I will finally for the first time ever get to play Birth By Sleep, so that's pretty exciting stuff, and I'll let you know what I think about it.
Thanks, all one of you who have probably read this! :D I'll try to post more often haha. Remember, tell your friends, and I hope you'll decide to hop onto the Matt's Musings Facebook page and show the Like button some love!
Dim the lights, baby.
Last but not least, don't forget to tell your friends!!!